Each day i die a new death, each day i fight wd myself to prove dat u r good, Everytym i think of punishing you ,it's me who gets punished everytym.. my cries, my tears dsn't affect u but ds behaviour of yours kills me bit by bit.. y can't you killme at once !!! It will be better fr you as well as fr me !! Y did you make dose fake prms?? Y did u make me see dose dreams wd you?? i nvr begged fr your love !! It was you who cried for it.. nd wen i paid heed to your cries , started caring fr you, started to trst you , you broke me into pieces... but the question dat arises everytym is wat did u achieve frm al these?? 1. Did u gain any respct? 2. Did you get any award fr dng al this ?? If you didn't get nethng frm ds y did you do this to me ??
The Rainbow comes and goes, And lovely is the Rose, The Moon doth with delight Look round her when the heavens are bare, Waters on a starry night Are beautiful and fair; The sunshine is a glorious birth; But yet I know, where'er I go, That there hath past away a glory from the earth.