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Showing posts from November, 2013
Each day i die a new death, each day i fight wd myself to prove dat u r good, Everytym i think of punishing you ,it's me who gets punished everytym.. my cries, my tears dsn't affect u but ds behaviour of yours kills me bit by bit.. y can't you killme  at once !!! It will be better fr you as well as fr me !! Y did you make dose fake prms?? Y did u make me see dose dreams wd you?? i nvr begged fr your love !! It was you who cried for  it.. nd wen i paid heed to your cries , started caring fr you, started to trst you , you broke me into pieces... but the question dat arises everytym is wat did u achieve frm al these?? 1. Did u gain any respct? 2. Did you get any award fr dng al this ?? If you didn't get nethng frm ds y did you do this to me ??

A realisation..

A thousand words unsaid; Langour dat ceases to last; In a rush of everyday life, Where u hold the perfect pose, A perfect smile, And run miles in an automated robot style; Thee fragrance if the soul, Ever changing shades of mind, Have to stay hidden and out of sight.... It's strange but true !!!!